Hello Everyone!
It’s day 11, which means today we are going to be talking about a book that I hated. Feel free to tell me your answer in the comments and or over on my Instagram (@theoriginalbookdragon).
I had to think quite a lot about what my answer was going to be for this prompt because I generally don’t ‘hate’ books. Hate is a strong word and I am generally pretty good at picking books that I like, so I don’t read that many books that I give low ratings. I was debating going for something like Shakespeare because I don’t like his work at all, but I decided not to as classics are quite a controversial topic and I wanted to choose something more current, so I decided to go with ‘Charsima’ by Jeanne Ryan.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you hadn’t heard of this book, but you may have heard of Nerve, which is by the same author and was turned into a fairly popular movie. I read and loved Nerve a few years ago, so I of course then picked up Jeanne Ryan’s other book Charisma, but I was let down a lot by it. I wouldn’t say it is bad necessarily, but I think it has more to do with the fact that i went into it with very high expectations, which then weren’t met. I still wouldn’t say that I hated it because I didn’t; I was just dissapointed, which means I feel a bit bitter about it.
Are there any books that you hate? Or are you like me and feel that hate is a bit too strong? I’d love to know, so leave a comment down below and we can talk!
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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