Hello Everyone!
It is time for another book haul! I have been very successful so far in my partial book buying ban where I can only buy books that are on my anticipated releases list or for practical purposes, which I have 100% stuck to and I’m very proud of myself for it! March was a fairly big month in terms of releases for me, so I bought the 3 books that were on the list as well as a few others to aid me in some research for a project I’m working on. I’ll talk more about them individually though and that’s what we’re all here for, so let’s just get straight into it.
Heartstopper Volume 3 by Alice Oseman
The first book I bought from my anticipated releases list this year was volume 3 of the Hearstopper comics by Alice Oseman. I absolutely fell head over heels in love with this comic series and by the time you see this post I will have long devoured volume 3 and be waiting on 4! I’ve talked about how amazing these comics are many times before, so I won’t bore you any more, but essentially I’m just very happy to own the next volume.
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare (Collectors First Edition Hardback + Waterstones Exclusive Edition)
Of course I had to buy all the editions of Chain of Gold. Everyone knows I’m a massive Cassandra Clare fan and that is never going to change! I pre-ordered both the ordinary hardcover and the Waterstones exclusive edition from Waterstones (obviously!) as soon as they were available and they are now sitting where they belong amongst all my other Cassie Clare books! I know I don’t technically need 2 editions and in general I’m restricting myself from buying second copies of books I already own in order to save money, but when it comes to Cassandra Clare, Harry Potter, Leigh Bardugo or Rick Riordan I’m afraid that rule just doesn’t apply.
3 Books on Flowers
The final 3 books I’ve bought recently are listed below since it made more sense to talk about them all together:
- Flowerpaedia: 1000 flowers and their meanings by Cheralyn Darcey
- The Language of Flowers (the dictionary of flowers and their timeless meanings) by Nicolae Tanase
- The Complete Language of Flowers: A Definitive and Illustrate History by S.Theresa Dietz
Clearly I’m doing some research on flowers and clearly the authors need to talk to each other when they name their books because all 3 books have variations of flowers in them, meaning that none of them are technically a complete list! Hence why I bought all 3. I’m not going to divulge what I’m doing with so many flower books yet or why i need to know so much about flowers because the project I’m using them for is still going to be a little while in the making, but if you want to here more about that when it gets started, then head over to my photography blog: photography.samanthadrage.co.uk because that’s where I’ll be updating you on all my photography/writing projects.
I feel like this has been quite a short book haul, but those are all of the books I have bought recently. I’m super proud of myself for how well I’ve managed to stick to my partial book buying ban in favour of saving my money because I really do want to start focusing on my future now and saving money is the first step. How do you handle saving vs spending? What books have you bought recently?
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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