Hello Everyone!
Today is Day 26 of the 30-day-book-challenge, which means today we are talking about a book that changed my opinion on something! I am sure a lot of you will be expecting something political or to do with a controversial topic, but I don’t feel like discussing those things today and most them have already been said before, so I thought I would go for something else. I therefore chosen ‘The Language of Flowers’ by Mandy Kirkby and the thing it has changed my opinion is non-fiction books.
If you have been following my blog since earlier this year then you will know that I had previously despised non-fiction because it only served as a reminder of school, which I can’t stand; however, picked up ‘The Language of Flower’ at the very beginning of this year or late last year and it has completely changed my mind. The Language of Flowers was easy to read and incredibly interesting. I love flowers and different languages. I also love history and this book had all 3 as well as references to mythology, which is one of my favourite things to learn about. Reading this book made me realise how much I actually do love learning and that I can learn things that I want to and will find interesting/useful outside of school. It is school that I hated not learning whereas before thought it was both. Since then my non-fiction collection has grown substantially and I cannot wait to pick up some more of them after I have finished with my GCSE’s and have time to focus on other things.
Do you like non-fiction? What book changed your opinion on something? I’d love to know, so leave a comment down below or come and chat to me over on my Instagram (@theoriginalbookdragon)!
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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