Hello Everyone!
It is Day 15, which means we are officially half way through this 30-day-book-challenge! Today’s prompt is your favourite male character, so let’s get going because I can’t wait to tell you all about mine! Tell me all about your favourite male character in the comments below!
I actually have a little funny story to tell about me trying to decide what my favourite male character is because I sat down and I was sort of having an existential crisis trying to decide which male character I loved more. I am not joking when I say I was almost in tears thinking about how much I loved them all and I wasn’t sure how I was ever going to choose until I looked up and saw the infernal devices on my bookshelf. That was when I realised that of course there was only once answer to this question and that was of course, the one and only, William Herondale!
There were plenty of other characters in the running like Kaz Brekker and the other boys from Six of Crows, Mal from The Grisha Trilogy, Levi from Fangril by Rainbow Rowell and so many more it is ridiculous, but when it comes down to it William Herondale will always have my heart. I could talk about him for years and never get bored, but will quickly say this: He is such a beauifully flawed, complex character who has been hurt in so many ways and yet still loves so deeply. He cares so much about other people, fights for good and is of course also very beautiful.
Do you love Will Herondale as much as me? Who is your favourite male character? I’d love to know, so leave a comment below or come and tell me on my Instagram (@theoriginalbookdragon) and we can have a discussion!
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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