Hello Everyone!
It is day 14, which means today we are talking about a book to movie adaptation that I hated! Anyone who knows me that is reading this knows exactly what I am going to say for this prompt and that is, of course, the Percy Jackson films.
In the fandom we have a bit of an unspoken rule that we simply don’t talk about the train wreck that was the films, but I am going to break that today to tell you just how awful they were. I’m not going to go into too much detail else this post will turn into a full on rant, but let me just list some of the things they screwed up:
- Annabeth is Blonde not Brunette
- Grover is not black
- They are supposed to be 12. 12 not 17….
- They missed out like 3/4 of the book
- They basically just stole the character names and the idea that someone stole Zeus’s lighting bolt and made the rest up.
- everything was awful.
As you can see I feel quite strongly about how horrendous this movie was and for that reason I am a. not going to get into the second film and b. going to leave this post here. Have you seen the Percy Jackson films? Can you point out anything else that was wrong about them that I missed? What book to movie adaptation did you hate? Tell me below or over on my Instagram! (@theoriginalbookdragon)
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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