Hello Everyone!
Today I am going to review Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I read this book for the second time last month whilst I was on Music Tour in Germany (you can find out more about it here: https://www.samanthadrage.co.uk/2017/07/25/dear-diary-16727-to-20717/) because I had a very busy month and wanted a bit of a lighter read.
Fangirl is an amazing book for many reasons. One of them is that the author is very real with the way she represents the characters and the events that happen to them. The book is set in collage, which is always a bit risky because people never tend to get it right. They over exaggerate and make it non-realistic. Rainbow Rowell did a really good job of making it an accurate representation of real life.
I also loved her characters. The main character, Cath, if probably the most relatable character I have ever read. She is a fangirl like so many of us, she has problems at home, she is insecure about the way she looks and the things she does and she is just all-round an amazing character. Rainbow has also put a lot of characters in her story that antagonise Cath and get in her way. This is very true to real life and I love the diversity she has given her characters.
One of the best things about the book though is that Cath writes fanfiction, like most fans do, but the amazing thing is that you get to read snipets of it throughout the book. After writing the book and having it get such good feedback Rainbow Rowell went on to write out the Fanfiction for us. It is called Carry On and it is absolutely stunning.
Overall Rainbow Rowell is an amazing author and she deserves so much credit. Her book Fangirl really inspires me to write and do what I want to do. If you are a fangirl or fanboy then you should 100% give this a read because it will give you a massive confidence boost. She is also just an amazing author. I really want to read her other books: Eleanor & Park and Attatchments specifically. Have you read any of Rainbow Rowell’s books? If so which ones and what did you think?
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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