Hello Everyone!
How are you all doing? Today I thought I would talk about the future. I know I am young and most people will say that I am too young to be thinking about my future, but I disagree. I may be young, but I do have quite a good idea of what I want to do with my life, so I thought I would share!
I am taking very creative GCSE’s next year (Art, Photography and Music) because I have always been a creative person. I am in the top sets at school and I am constantly met with puzzled looks when I tell people I don’t want to do anything academic. It is true that I am good at maths and science, but I do not enjoy them. I want to be able to take photographs of the things I love; draw my daydreams and make them come to life. I want to create worlds and stories out my daydreams and share them with the world and I want to be able to create and practice music. I am not yet sure how I am going to make money out of these things because I am well aware that they are all difficult fields to get into, but it is what I want to do, so I am going to make it happen.
I currently thinking that I am not going to go to University because of the immense cost and because I really just want to be out of the education system as soon as possible. I do however want to take some creative writing or art courses. Something that is more interactive and hands on. I like learning my doing not by siting and me told how to do it. For my A levels I am thinking of taking similar things to what I have chosen for GCSE, but at a higher level.
I also really want my own space. For several years now I have been finding my parents house small and confining. My room is not very big and while I have a lot of things in the small space I have it feels overcrowded and there are still things I can’t do because the small amount of space. What I really want is to have a bedroom that I can relax in with a separate room to draw and create. I want more space for bookshelves to harbour my ever growing collection. Overall I really just want more independence. I have always been more mature than a lot of my classmates and I have always been top of the class. Even now as I fight mental illness I still find myself at the top. It sound like I am boasting and I don’t mean it to be, but it really is just the truth. I often find it frustrating though that I am held back by my age and I am not able to do the things I want to do.
I know I am asking for a lot, but I am willing to work for it. I am taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh even though sometimes I really don’t feel like it. I am saving money now and learning to spend wisely. I am putting myself out there by using social media, taking part in competitions and of course writing on here. I am still a long way off getting what I really want, but I am going to try my best in everything I do and that is all anyone can do. Where do you want to be in the future?
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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