Hello World
My most recent read was James Dashner’s Mortality Doctrine trilogy. It was one of those that had been on the TBR pile for a while and after reading The Maze Runner I knew I loved his work, so I thought I would give them a go. I got given them at Christmas and I finally got round to reading them. They didn’t disappoint and I was hooked on them after only a chapter. I read the trilogy in just 10 days, which for me is quite fast because of having to fit reading around school and homework, but I just couldn’t put them down.
They were a little bit of a shock to the system at first, but only because before reading them I had just finished reading the Starcrossed series by Josephine Angelini (Which I also reviewed) and they were quite easy going books that ended happily. I then dove back into the world of James Dashner and forgot that he tends to be a little happy go lucky with pulling the trigger on his characters and he also makes sure that you stay thoroughly confused with exactly who is good and who is bad, so it was a bit of a shock, but I quickly recovered.
After getting over the initial shock I just hands down really enjoyed reading them. James Dashner’s work it very fast paced and very modern because most of his books are set in the future. His books give you a glimpse into a possible future for the human race and, in a way, his books are really quite scary because everything he writes is a very plausible senario that could happen. One other thing that I love about his work is that his government characters are always untrustworthy, which I think is a really nice touch to making his books all the more realistic because it the real world the government don’t always make the right choices and I really live James Dashner’s take on it.
Centering back in on the trilogy though I think I particularly liked the characters form this series because they are so relatable. In this day and age almost everyone has internet access and so many people have friends online which is a massive centre piece to the series. The trilogy managed to show all of the wonders of the internet whilst also getting the message across that it can be dangerous. This message is incredibly relevant in this era and I love that the author has included such a prominent issue and has created some very well rounded characters to play the parts he gave them.
Over all I think The Mortality Doctrine series was amazing and I would definatly give it a 5/5. Have any of you read this series or any other books by James Dashner?
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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