Hello Everyone!
I don’t know about any of you, but as the school year is coming to a close I have been struggling to hang on for these last few weeks. I now have only 5 school days left before I am off to Germany on Music Tour (not that I’m counting). By the time I get back school will be over and we will be free for 6 weeks. It is only these last few days that I have really got my motivation back, so I thought I would make you all a post on how to find motivation to do the things you love.
My first tip is the Clean your work space. Whether you work in your bedroom or you have a spate office you should always try and keep that space clean. A cluttered up workspace can make your brain feel cluttered and if you aren’t thinking straight then you can’t expect to get very far. Try making your bed and organising things. Even if your workspace is already pretty clean try just re-organising. Sometimes a fresh start and a change of scenery is all you need. On that note you could always try taking your work elsewhere. Go sit in Starbucks or anywhere that has a table and some Wi-Fi
Watch other people
Sometimes if I’m feeling uninspired I like to watch other people doing the things I love. I will go on YouTube and watch some of my favourite youtubers do art and all the things I love. This then puts me in the mood to be creative and at least start what I need t do if not finish it. I also find it is easier to finish once you have started. It is the starting that is hard.
Go Outside
A lot of the time I find the reason that I can’t work or be creative like I want to be is because my head is too busy. Taking a walk and juts letting all of your thoughts run through your head is calming and will help you think clearer. This works almost every time for me and I recommend this as one of the first things oyu do because it is so easy and doesn’t require much effort.
Surround yourself with Inspiration
.Sometimes all you need is inspiration, so go online and print out some pictures of things that inspire you. Decorate your walls or create a little book. This is not only creating a new work environment for you, but Is a small creative project that is going to get you started. Alternatively, if you have a friend that really inspires you then go and hang out with them. Do what ever makes you feel inspired to work and create.
Look after yourself
More often than not I find myself sitting in my room tearing my hair out trying to write or draw and neglecting myself. Try taking a break and eating something or having a glass or two of water. Going to the gym or a run or doing some form of exercise is also a good thing to try.
There you are guys! These are my 5 tips to finding inspiration or motivation to do the things you need to do. I hope you all find these helpful and you can get some things done now. Do any of you have any more tips?
Goodbye for now!
Over and Out
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